Food for Life

Food for Life

As part of our social responsibility, Wilhems and Green has taken a commitment to contribute 5% of its Gross Sales Revenue (before Goods and Services Tax) to Foods for Life Global. Our financial accounts are properly maintained and verified to ensure we keep our social commitment.

About FFLG


Food for Life Global pursues its mission by providing organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s vegan hunger relief programs. Specifically, Food for Life Global assists these humanitarian efforts by:

1) Coordinating and expanding the distribution of sanctified plant-based meals all over the world.

2) Producing promotional and training materials for the development of Food for Life projects worldwide.

3) Representing Food for Life to governments, the media, and the general public through public lectures, newspaper articles, the Internet, and mail.

4) Promoting the Vedic culture of hospitality throughout the world.

5) Raising funds on behalf of Food for Life worldwide and coordinating and sponsoring emergency relief efforts conducted by Food for Life volunteers.

In its purest form, food has the innate ability to break down barriers and heal body, mind, and soul. Food for Life Global affiliates, therefore, serve only the purest of food—food that is devoid of animal suffering, prepared with love and served with love. Furthermore, recognizing that the ultimate solution to the problem of hunger is the elimination of poverty, Food for Life not only provides direct food distribution services, but also addresses, through its affiliate programs, such diverse but related issues as education, environmental health and sustainability, animal welfare, and health care.

Food for Life Global’s mission flows from its core values of charity and respect for all living things; its services, therefore, are provided without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, community, or nationality.

Food for Life Global’s slogan is: UNITING THE WORLD THROUGH PURE FOOD

Decorative products individually and painstakingly handcrafted.
